Här kan du upptäcka många aktiviteter som man kan göra på vintern eller på sommaren.
The north is in winter overpowered from freezing temperatures allowing for white powdered landscapes with deep frozen lakes and a beautiful, tranquil atmosphere. With a little bit of luck are the northern lights also visible. There is a wide range of activities available here in winter to take part in. From husky sledding, ice fishing, Nordic skiing, snowmobile tours to watching the night sky in the warm Badtunna or just reading a book in the cosy chalet.
The summer days are long and the nights are short. This offers many different opportunities to take part in a range activities across our beautiful countryside. Our region offers beautiful hiking tours for every level. From the short, relaxing hikes through to challenging tours there is something here for everyone. Having the lake right in front of the house lends itself naturally to taking part in water sports such as swimming, canoeing, SUP and fishing.